Lake Union Camporee Overview
Saturday, April 30th, 2011The Lake Union Camporee will be held in Berrien Springs, Michigan on September 15-18, 2011. We have some initial details on the camporee. The Lake Union Camporee is located at To register for the camporee go to the website and click on the registration section.
Theme: Finish Strong
To encourage, inspire and train the young people in the Lake Union to stand strong for Christ in finishing the work God has called us to do.
Camporee Fee
The camporee fees are:
- $25.00/person fee is charged to help in the expenses of the camporee.
- $10.00/person fee for non-Pathfinder children of staff parents.
Check In Procedures
Club Directors should do the following
- Pick up Camporee packet at entrance gate.
- Register total count of Pathfinders, staff and staff children
- Register all Medical personnel available (EMT, nurses, doctors, etc)
- At Check-in, you will receive programs for each person registered online and maps of campground and camporee area
- Take your club to the designated area and pitch camp according to your Conference Directors instructions.
Camp Entrances
As with all of our camporees, we encourage each club to prepare their campsite depicting the camporee theme. Try a unique entrance. Make it look nice. Entrances will be judged and awards given to those entrances with unique and quality designs.
Talent Participation
If you have Pathfinders or staff who are talented singers, soloists, or who play a guitar or other instrument, please indicate at the time of registration, so such talent can be used at opportune times.
Parade Information
We are requesting that each club provide the needed information about their club on the website registration. This will be used during the Sunday parade when you march by the reviewing stand. There will be a number of guests present who will be interested in you.
Camporee Field Events
The field events are being planned that will be fun and challenging. Participation is most important. All clubs (either by clubs or units with their counselors) are to participate in at least 6 of the events. You may enter any of the events at any time. The complete list of Camporee Field Events will be available on the website when all of the details from each conference’s events are completed.
Club Trophy
A club trophy will be awarded each club who meets the following:
1. Attends the LUC Camporee.
2. Displays the proper flags a) American, b) Pathfinder, c) Unit Guidons.
3. Complete club participates in at least 6 of the field events.
4. Takes part in the parade on Sunday.
Special Camporee Patch
Lake Union Conference Camporee patch will be awarded to each one who actively participates in the total camporee program
March and Drill Participation
A Drilling and Marching ribbon will be awarded to each club participating in the Drill Performance, and special recognition will be given as to the number of points received in this event.
Flag Raising and Morning Watch
Each conference will be assigned times to be in charge of the flag raising and morning watch at the flag area. The schedule is part of this document. Each conference will also be in charge of assigning a club to flag raising and flag lowering each day.
Camporee Rules
1. Clubs are responsible for all Pathfinders at all times. All Units are to have a designated counseler with their unit.
2. Camping is permitted in designated areas only.
3. No Open Fires are permitted. Do not dig up grass. Cooking must be done on commercial stoves.
4. Pets are not permitted at the camporee.
5. Pathfinders are not permitted to play with knives, axes or hatchets at the camporee. Unless it is part of one of the planned camporee activities.
6. All clubs will be expected to participate in all camporee activities. If no Pathfinders are entering events, clubs must still be in the area with all Pathfinders.
7. Quiet Time – Please respect other clubs and guard carefully the Quiet Time.
8. Programs – Club Directors are requested to have your club sit together with their counselors at the programs. There will be no Conference assigned areas.
9. Garbage and Trash – Campsites are to be kept clean and all garbage and trash is to be put into the proper receptacles.
Camporee Speakers
Thursday Night – Elder James Black
Friday Night – Pastor Michael Goetz
Sabbath Morning – Pastor Goetz
Sabbath Vespers – Pastor Goetz
Sunday Morning – Pastor Goetz
Daily Features:
Ben Roy – Science Fun
Dr. Gordon Atkins – Nature Nugget
Dr. Arnold and Dixie Plata- Museum
Elder Terry Dodge – Museum
Chuck Collatz – Model Sanctuary