Pathfinder Club News

Chillicothe Trailblazers had a camp-in and cooked breakfast for church members working on new church.

Cincinnati Stars went to Scarlet Oake as their monthly ministry. They had a Pathfinder/Adventurer Sabbath where the pathfinders collected the offering and had a postcard display.

Hamilton Gladiators had a camp-in with Wilmington Beacons and did community service with Wilmington Beacons for animal sheter and Clinton Co. MRDD.

Lima Lynx had a camp-in. Viewed evening program from Courage to Stand dvd, sang at nursing home, finished their fish honor, played table games, watched a movie and then had club meeting the next morning.

Portsmouth Kids Club hosted 2nd Annual Winter Camp-in at Shawnee State Park. They worked on their decoupage and swimming honors. Pathfinders conducted sundown vespers
to close Sabbath as part of their Christian Storytelling honor.

Y-City Buckeyes went to Franklin Park in Columbus, Ohio, to view the orchid exhibit for their honor.